Keeping our innovative structure at the focus of our business and using our know-how and power, we have been creating effective solutions since 2004; solutions that reduce carbon emissions in Türkiye and also in various other countries and add value to infrastructure and industries through digitalization for sustainable energy supply.

With more than 620 employees and new investments in more than 30 countries on three continents, we deliver energy and industrial solutions to every corner of the world.

We have a lot of things that we call ‘possible’ and hundreds of employees standing up for them. Today, as a great team, we are working hard to realize what we say is possible, keeping in mind the responsibility of the trust placed in us.

YEO Highlights

Anahtar Teslim Çözümler

Turnkey Solutions

Teknoloji Sağlayıcı

Technology Provider

Güç Üreticisi

Power Generator

Sistem Entegratörü

System Integrator

Strong Experience

Enerji Dönüşümüne Liderlik

Leadership of Energy Transition

Geleceğin Teknolojileri

Future Technologies

30+ Ülkede Küresel Varlık

Global Presence in 30+ Countries

Yenilenebilir Enerji & Depolama Çözümleri

Renewable Energy & Storage Solutions

We continue to expand our international network, strengthen our international partnerships, and broaden our focus on a global level.

>> Avrupa
Türkiye | Germany | Italy | Kosovo | Moldova | Netherlands | North Macedonia Poland | Romania | Switzerland | United Kingdom | Ukraine
>> Orta Doğu ve Afrika
Etiyopya | Ürdün | Libya | Suudi Arabistan | Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri
>> Center
Azerbaijan | Georgia | Kazakhstan | Turkmenistan | Uzbekistan

Global Presence