Company Information

Trade Registry No. 530158
NACE Code 33.20.53 / 71.12.09 / 27.12.01
Year of Establishment 2004-İSTANBUL
Paid-in / Issued Capital 96.000.000 TL
Tax Office Number Kartal Tax Office, 978 042 2954
Trade Registry Number 530158
HQ Contact Information +90 216 494 26 76
Website Address
Capital Increase Issuance Certificate
Capital Increase Issuance Certificate Download Icon
Articles of Association
Articles of Association Download Icon
Internal Directive
Internal Directive Download Icon

Partnership Structure

Partner’s Name-Surname / Trade Name Share in Capital (TL) Share in Capital (%)
Tolunay Yıldız 14.593.216 15,20
Orhan Yıldız 14.593.216 15,20
Özbey Yıldız 14.586.528 15,19
Barış Esen 6.788.000 7,07
Sinan Karahan 6.688.000 6,97
Yasin Düven 6.688.000 6,97
Other 32.063.040 33,40
96.000.000 %100


Defic Globe

A framework agreement was signed in 2020 between the joint venture of YEO Energy and Emsolt Investment BV. and the project developer, a British company with Italian partners, for the development of solar power plant projects with a total power of 104 MW in four different project locations in the Sicily Region of Italy, with connection agreements that will enter into force after capacity allocation. Within the scope of these four projects, YEO offers renewable energy investors the opportunity to invest in Italy with project development, financing, turnkey installation, and operation maintenance. The investor is only obliged to make the necessary investment, all the necessary procedures for the facilities to become operational will be carried out by YEO. The total size of these projects (to be covered by the investors) is approximately EUR 80 million. The 220 kV substations of these facilities will also be contracted by YEO on turnkey basis.


YEO has acquired a 50% stake in MİKROHES, a company with high know-how and experience in engineering works on small hydroelectric facilities with low water flow and/or low head, using the nature and fish friendly technology product it has developed. MİKROHES has developed its own hydroelectric segment with the aim of renewable energy production and decarbonization and aims to become an important player in Türkiye and in the global market by providing services in this field with its products.

Archimedes Screw Turbine System
Turnkey Micro Hydroelectric Power Plant
Planning & Project Management
Operation & Maintenance

YEO has established Marinergy by combining its expertise in the field of solar and wind power plants with Aras Deniz İnşaat, which has high knowledge and experience in the field of underwater and surface operations. Marinergy, established in partnership with two companies with high engineering and production capabilities, aims to become an important player in Türkiye and in the global market by offering off-shore wind, off-shore solar energy and off-shore substation solutions.

Material Supply
Field Installation
Operation and Maintenance

YEO Enerji Logo

YEO Energy, another subsidiary of YEO, was established in Uzbekistan on Apr 01, 2021. The company is a 100 percent subsidiary. YEO Energy is engaged in construction and installation works of general-purpose projects, construction and engineering works of infrastructure projects and construction of other engineering buildings and other activities not prohibited by the legislation. The subsidiaries established since the date of the Company’s last financial statements are expected to contribute to the profitability and recognition of the Company. YEO Energy, which was established in Uzbekistan, is planned to grow and take on more projects in this country.