Our investors are our most important stakeholders. Our Investor Relations Unit is in place to ensure that the records regarding the correspondence between investors and the Company and other information and documents are kept in a healthy, secure, and up-to-date manner, to carry out the transactions before the Central Registry Agency (MKK), and to ensure that our investors are accurately and fully informed within the scope of stakeholder relations.
The relevant unit performs an information function by responding to the inquiries received by the department during the reporting period and shareholders’ requests for information about the Company, in a clear and concise manner, face-to-face or through communication tools, in line with the Company’s public disclosure policy, with the exception of non-public, confidential, and trade secret information about the Company.
It draws up the documents required to be submitted for the information and review of the shareholders in connection with the general assembly meeting and takes measures to ensure that the general assembly meeting is held in accordance with the relevant legislation, the Articles of Association, and other internal regulations of the Company.
The Company oversees and monitors the fulfillment of the obligations arising from the capital markets legislation, including all kinds of issues related to corporate governance and public disclosure, ensures the coordination of communication with the public in addition to the disclosures made as required by the legislation, and participates in conferences, panels, seminars, and other promotional events in order to hold meetings with investors and analysts.
Esentepe Mah. Kelebek Sk. Marmara Kule Sitesi B Blok No: 2/1 İç Kapı No: 1 Kartal / İstanbul
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